Thursday, September 12, 2013

REFUND REQUESTS: nothing beats a No, but a YES!

Have you ever had a problem with one of your accounts (phone, bank account, etc), but decided to just let it be---because you don't think that it would be taken care of for you?  You say:  "It's just $35 or it's just $10---no big deal.  Well, they will not bother to refund me, so I will just let it go."

Well, I am here to say, "BIG DEAL".  I often say, "You can always ask--because you never know what the outcome will be until you do."  So, essentially: Nothing Beats a No, but a YES -- A BIG FAT yes!

Case in point below.  My life in minding the little stuff, which I've learned can add up over time to the big stuff:

The Case of the Talk Machine

Recently, I had to replace my banking card (long story--for another time),
but I was not diligent in changing information on all of my automatic paid account---one of them, My Telephone Company.  Aiyayay!!!  Well, after many telephone company email update reminders, and my meanings to go in to update, I did not.  Did I mention that this was all my fault. Yes, it was.

Fast Forward to Present Day:

So low and behold, I pick up my phone and I get a message.  "No can do---Psst, You are Cut Off !!!" No more calls for you.  So, I put my tail between my legs and proceed to the computer to do that update I kept missing.  I update, I pay....but then notice that my bill is a bit higher than normal.  Hmmm.....Who goes there?

Well, I check it out and sure enough, I got a fee for not paying on time due to my old card being now unusable.  I could just brush it off, but I don't.  I just feel like I just threw money outside of my window for a really crazy reason.  Yes, my money conscience is raving about the situation---so I have to answer.

So, I call up the said Telephone Company and following my REQUEST 101 tips below, I am able to have the fee reversed in approx 1.5 mins.  I feel like I got paid back for "mi" foolishness. lol.  If I got paid by the minute like this in real life, I would be high-end lawyer salary happy.  :)  One can dream, can't one?  lol

Any-ho, the moral of the story is, ALWAYS ASK--- even if it is your fault.  You never know---Hey, just like the lottery.  Sometimes, you get a YES.  And that YES, can go straight to the bank---literally!


1. Call and Explain the Situation

2. Be Polite (very polite)
       You are requesting a favor here.

3. Request precisely what you want
       For example "I see that I have a fee for such and such.  Is it possible to have that reversed?"
       or "I noticed such and such.  And I am calling to see if that can be reversed?"
       (Don't wait for them to suggest the outcome, or you may not get what you want.)

4. Request from Big to Small
      If  you have a tall request, start with that first and see if you get a bite.  If not, move to the lower
      request, then the next lower, an so on.  Most times, the first request may be all you need.

5. Thank them profusely!    ("Thank you kind Sir."  Well, you know what I mean.  :)   )

I have plenty more of these examples coming in later posts, but I would love to hear some of yours also.  Do you have any examples of your own to share?

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