Monday, June 22, 2020

Jobs paying less for more work

Is it me, or are jobs paying less and less, for more and more work?

I've long noticed this since the last big recession in 2008.  Salaries froze and have not moved since then.  Jobs paying $80K then, are still paying $80K now, except that the work load is a lot more, as well as more advanced.  Meanwhile, inflation rose as usual, and housing costs hit the roof.  Try finding a decent place to live on the East or West Coast for under $1,000 and it would be hard---And if you do find one there, or between the coasts, you will have to compromise with low/crappy maintenance and/or high noise levels, and uninvited visitors from the vermin family.

If you look at after tax dollars for a single person, for example in NYC, making $80K, which most would agree is a great salary.  However, if you consider that renting in NYC gets you crap under $2000 (shoe box and hardly any light, etc), this person will hardly qualify for even such a unit (based on the requirements of your salary being 30x or 40x your rent).  You see, this same apartment would likely have been $1000 in 2008--so $80K would have gone further.  After taxes, this person will take home $4500 per month today--so $2200 every 2 weeks.  So 1 check will cover rent, and the other has to cover food, transportation, loans or debt to pay off, and anything else--and that includes savings.  New flash, $1000 dollars does not go very far nowadays.

For all of the expense created to get a degree or degrees, as well as experience over time, to earn this amount in this day and age (with the current costs of living), it simply does not compute.  What are we sacrificing for?  What kind of life can we really afford to live--even when doing everything right, as society would tell us to do?  That earning $80K today, you have to watch over your shoulder at every single penny, is just not what should be.

The economy works in a circle.  People have jobs to make money to buy consumer goods that the industries produce. If people are not earning enough to spend more, can the economy continue to sustainly grow as it has been?  Yes, people spend, but they spend what they don't have, which are likely credit cards--debt money.  If there was no credit system, people would not spend.  But because we do, at some time later in life, people are enslaved to mediocre jobs to pay off the debt they have accumulated during the time they "thought" they had money to spend (though it was a credit allusion).

People need to earn more in America--especially because of the stagnation in salaries that occurred in 2008 recession.  Those same $80K jobs back then should have moved by now to $100-120K+, according to the movement that was occurring before the recession.

People are not blind.  They are realizing that they cannot afford things like they could in the past.  And even for college graduates entering the workforce, they can't find jobs that can comfortably cover rent.  That you need a roommate after college in order to live a normal life, sounds so preposterous to me.  But it is happening.  And it's also happening to those who have already been in the workforce for a long while now. Affording your own space as a single person is becoming crazier to do everyday.  We should be able to do that and save some money along the way.  So when things like Corona-Covid19 happens, we don't need the government to rescue us.  At least, not so many at once.

Something is the matter in America.  And we need to fix it before it's too late.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Happy Mother’s Day: To all of the mothers who hold down the household!

A very special happy mother’s day to all the mothers of the world!  You deserve each and every inch of the sentiment that goes along with this wish, for it is incredible the amount of love and ingenuity you bring to the task of mothering.  Your offspring is always and forever in your debt.

As I sit here and write, I can only remember my own mother as I was growing up and all that she did.  She was like the CEO of our household because she managed every aspect of the corporation, called her home.  Yes, my father was there as well and did his part, but I find women to be the greatest multitaskers I have ever seen—and I saw that everyday with my mom.  Right now, I am especially remembering how pretty good she was at managing money. 

When money was easier flowing, she directed it to the right areas, while saving as much as she could at the same time.  And, when

Friday, May 12, 2017

Entrepreneur Walk: Pick a Side and Keep Moving

“Pick a side and keep moving” is what I recently told myself.  I have been straddling the Entrepreneur/Professional Career fence for too long now.  Granted the timing hasn’t always shown itself to be perfectly right to move over, but when is it ever?  All you can do is plan the best you can with what you have.  And by evaluating your current resources and determining how you can attack your dream, you can figure out how to proceed.

In my case, I began my career very successfully—I was promoted with a smile; I was a very young successor when looking at my peers; and I was headed for that gigantic corner office and big title.  But all along, I knew something wasn’t right.  I did not feel fulfilled and fully contented.  That coupled with the fact that I worked like a race horse (as I thought that is what was expected, as I was trained that way by past managers); so I burned the hell out.  Still, even before my burn out, I knew there was something more out there.

So I eventually tested the waters,

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Price Adjustment Refund Therapy -- I love it

Recently I have been having the weirdest luke-warm luck with sales occurring right after I have made a purchase.  What the hell?!!  

Well, usually I would contemplate repurchasing and then returning, since it is usually a 20% savings---which averages $40 to $50 in savings.  And I see no since in saying goodbye to these dollars, when I have essentially done the deed---bought your product.  But, lately, I have taken to the phone to request price adjustments and to my surprise, I have been successful in both recent instances.

The first was a Rockport Boot, which is the only boot I could find that I like that fit the criteria I needed.  Though the boot was over $250 originally, I was able to find it at an online retailer for $199.  I did not want to spend $199, but my old boot had gone A-wall and I really needed a good replacement--one that was flat and could also wear if indeed it snowed, but could still wear under a beautiful dress --you know the all-in-one go to boot.  I had previously contemplated returning because the price was haunting me--especially since it was heading towards the end of winter when prices should be crazy low; but then low and behold, I see a 20% sale--within 2.5 weeks of purchasing.  So yes, I said to self: "re-buy and return".  But my other self said: "Now, why go through that hassle; call and ask for price adjustment."  And whaula......a 20% credit came later that week.

Now, I am in the same predicament again with another purchase for facial products.  And the repurchase and return plan came to mind.  As well, the site specifically says, you cannot apply this discount in a bunch of scenarios, including previous purchases.  But I figure, you know what, it is worth a try.  If they say no, I have 2 days to execute the repurchase/return sting operation. :)  Well, a lovely woman came on the line, and was happy to issue the refund after she was able to find my order.  And again, whaula......a 20% discount credit is to be issued within a week.  She assured me that the credit is usually immediate, but since the billing dept is closed for the weekend, it will not start processing until, Monday.  I am A-okay with that.

Moral of this story, Always, Always, Always ask for price adjustments, especially if its within a month's time, and you are within the return period.  Saves you the hassle of force correcting your order, and gives you your money back in your pocket.  I also realize that this saves the company money too if you had free shipping, because they will have to pay shipment twice (2x) when having to mail you a 2nd order, and possibly thrice (3x) if they pay for returns as well.  It is easier, cheaper, and more efficient to price adjust than to process returns/repurchases.  Hmmm, who'd a thunk it. :)  Hhmmmm.

Has anyone had any experiences with this and what were your results?  I am interested to see how others have fared.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Ann Taylor, my love..... I AM BREAKING UP WITH YOU!

Quality, quality.  You used to be allllll over it.  I could count on you like my bestie. If ever I needed an outfit, and especially last minute, you were the one. I knew the very corners of your store oh so quite well, because I was the one perusing the sales rack and getting my best finds.  All I had to worry about was price, because Quality was always there.  Even if I had no other immediate choice but to go for brokes, I did so willingly because I knew that your Quality would stand up royally.  But no more.  On several recent occasions, I paused and pondered, and then

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

TAX DAY - 4/15/2014


Well, well, my lovely kitties.  TAX season is now wrapping up.

The time of the year to true up with Uncle Sam.  Don't worry, he is my uncle too, and I have to make peace with him by April 15th,  or if Extended, by October 15th.

Things to keep in mind:

1. All 2013 Personal Tax returns or Extension Filings (request for more time to file--up to Oct 15th), are due by April 15th, 2014,
2. If you file for an Extension to File up to October 15th (Due Apr 15th), the Extension is only to file, NOT TO PAY TAXES YOU OWE.  Therefore, if you estimate that you will owe, you MUST PAY what you estimate you will owe by April 15, along with Filing your Extension. (VERY IMPORTANT to remember, as the IRS will assess interests and penalty fees if you've owed them since 4/15th).      

Note: If you estimate that you will owe nothing, you do not need to make a payment with your extension filing.

Estimate You Will Owe                Action for Extension Filing (due Apr 15)

NO                                                File
YES                                              File and Pay

***Trick, if you think your estimate of what you owe might be off, pay a little extra with your extension filing just to be sure you are in compliance; and when you file your actual tax return, you will just get a refund.

However, if you can file now, I would suggest doing it and getting it over with.  Don't wait until last minute, because you don't know what can happen to prevent you from filing close to the date.  The golden rule is:

 If you expect a refund, file as early as possible. 

 If you expect you have to pay, file closer to the deadline (still I don't suggest all the way up to 4/15, because Murphy's Law is running around rampant....maybe by 4/1 (well, for next season), 2 weeks before the deadline for good measure.  Also, if you owe, you don't have to wait until April to prepare the return.  Just go ahead and prepare it now, and then send it in when you are ready to make the payment.  As well, if it is'nt going to break you, just send in the payment when your return is ready, and you will have the weight of filing off of your chest.  

When to file is really up to your style, stress level, needing to be done with it already clock, or IRS you can't have my money until it is due barometer.  It is truly up to you----strut your stuff. But make sure to meet your deadlines.  

Check out below for places to help you prepare your return this year:


This Year TurboTax is allowing individuals to file Federal Taxes for Free and your State Tax return will cost you $14.95.  Other Tax Prep places are also running similar deals.

If you make under a certain amount in 2013, you can self file your Federal Taxes for free with popular tax preparation software.

Go to  (Click "Filing" tab and follow the instructions in center of sreen). .....

For instance, TurboTax lets you file for free if your adjusted gross income is under $30,000, and then your State return is a fee of $14.95.

TAX PROFESSIONALS (CPA or Tax Accountant):

If you have a complicated return and can pay for a service in the $500 range, where you will get this money back by the Tax Savings a tax professional can get for you, I would highly suggest using one.  (However, if you had little income and a very easy Return, I suggest one of the above options.)  A great Tax Professional can work on getting you the most deductions, some  you would not have thought of on your own.  This is what they do for a living all year, and it is part of their process to the research the hell out of the tax code, which is a lot.  I dont have time to do this, and Tax Prep Software will only have the most common or likely deductions.  Even I have to make corrections to tax prep programs over several years when I've used them (whether for myself or assisting others).  Last year, I could not make the program correct itself, so rather than whiting it out, I sent it in, and you bet, the taxing authority corrected it for me.  Remember,all of these sources have their places, but it is up to you to know when to use them.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Happy Martin Luther King Day! to the World

Leaders are not born, but chosen.

In remembrance of your great contribution to all!