Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Budget means control.

Budget does not mean lack, it means control.  No matter how much money you make, you can still benefit greatly from one.  A budget helps you to maintain knowledge of your life and gives you confidence to move through life with conviction. Being aware of your money steps is like knowing the secret password to the underground club.  You have the key to the inside track and you are ready to enjoy the hell out of it.

First, let's look at your life outside of a budget. 
You make money, you spend money, but you never really know where you are financially at the end of the day, or month rather.  You could be sitting on a pile of gold, so to speak, or a pile of sticks.  You just don't know.  This must weigh heavily on you from time to time.  And to relieve the anxiety, you pick up your favorite Visa Card, and go to town ---literally ---to feel at ease; whilst in the back of your mind, you are terrified that you cannot pay the bill next month when it becomes due.  At the same time, for the other person, who will have enough to pay the bill next month, you wonder how long you can do this until the money runs out.  This life is out of control and reaps anxiety at various stages.

Now let's look at the person working with a budget.  You already know before hand exactly how much you make; you have a very good handle on all of your routine monthly expenses; you have a predetermined amount set aside for non-routine spending and for savings.  Each month is not a mystery, but a mastery.  You can see all the way to the next year to 5 years, because you have the knowledge of your life and how your money moves.  You are not tensed or bothered by normal living expenses or by hiccups as much as your non-budget counterpart.  Your knowledge is your power and therefore your control.

Anyone can create a budget for a controlled life.  To begin, start by getting to know what your numbers are.  "Knowing your numbers" is knowing the figures you live by---what comes in and what goes out.  By first knowing your inflows and outflows, only then can you decide precisely how you will proceed in your finances.  From there, you can decide how to roll out your life---your fabulous controlled life.

Do you live by a budget or by the seat of your pants?  Does every coming month bring nervousness or resolve that you are okay?  For those Budget Kittens out there, what do you like most about controlling your money and thus your life?  What is by far the single most prominent, top of the list, benefit thus far?

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